Section: Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Bilateral Contracts with Industry

EDF R& D: this is a collaboration with the department SINETICS of EDF in the area of high-performance computing.

Participants : Marc Baboulin, Grigori Fursin, Amal Khabou.

It concerns two differents topics:

  • Enhancing performance of numerical solvers using accelerators (postdoc starting in October 2014) and vectorization techniques (internship starting in November 2014).

  • Studying numerical quality and reproducibility in HPC exascale applications (ongoing ANR submission).


Participant : Grigori Fursin.

UK: this collaboration is related to systematizing benchmarking of OpenCL programs for new ARM GPU architectures and applying machine learning to predict better optimizations (Grigori Fursin).

Collaboration with the small size company NumScale (PME, 10 people) NumScale on C++ parallel code generation technology. NumScale is a start-up created in 2012 as the result of a Digiteo/University Paris Sud technological transfer program (Digiteo OMTE). NumScale exploits scientific results and tools based around code generation for parallel programs as well as advanced code optimization techniques developed by members of the team.